Craft in America.

Craft in America

This award-winning series is a filmed journey of the history, artists and techniques of America's rich craft culture, with a particular focus on its diversity and ever-evolving ways.

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Thu, 5/9 at 3:00 pm America/Chicago on Austin PBS HDTV


The relationships and influences of Mexican and American craft artists; traditional weaving; the creation of paper jewelry.

Sat, 5/11 at 3:00 pm America/Chicago on Austin PBS Create


Craft artists at personal crossroads.

Sat, 5/18 at 3:00 pm America/Chicago on Austin PBS Create


Chloe Darke begins her career as a silversmith at Old Newbury Crafters; Iraqi war veterans become artists; a master metal sculptor builds monumental artworks for New York's Park Avenue.

Thu, 5/23 at 3:00 pm America/Chicago on Austin PBS HDTV


The people, history, traditions and crafts of the U.S. and Mexico.